Air Traffic Services training experts
Airways Training offers a full range of Air Traffic Services courses for rated controllers across the globe, looking to refresh and develop their skills in the operational environment.
With highly skilled and experienced instructors, leading-edge training and simulation technologies, fully equipped campuses and facilities, and internationally recognised programmes, Airways Training will make a real difference to your business.
We have a range of short courses available, with a range of delivery options available to you – face-to-face training in our facilities in New Zealand; in your own country; or virtually via our AKO virtual training academy. Contact us to discuss your training needs, and your delivery options.

Short courses
These range of short courses are available face-to-face in New Zealand or in your country – as well as via our AKO virtual academy, as indicated below.
To learn more about each course, go to the AKO course page (where applicable).
Human Factors
Gain an understanding of the factors affecting an individual’s performance in aviation, and the application of human factor knowledge using practical tools that can be readily applied in an operational environment to improve safety.
OJT Instructor
Become a qualified On-Job Training Instructor and learn how to apply a competency training model, give feedback that supports learning and motivate trainees through skill deficiency diagnosis and positive reinforcement.
OJT Instructor Refresher
Refresh your skills and knowledge to train people effectively in one-on-one ATS operational on-job situations, so they have the knowledge, skills and attributes to provide a safe, orderly and expeditious air service.
Watch Supervisor
Lead your operational team with confidence by developing skills to help you work efficiently and safely to manage an operational air traffic service environment.
Aviation English for Aviation Professionals
Candidates are introduced to the use of English in an aviation context and will learn to improve their English language proficiency.
Incident Investigation
Learn about the air traffic control accident investigation process, and gain the knowledge and skills to participate in and support formal investigations.
Procedure Design – Obstacle Assessment and Management
This course provides airport operators or obstacle control personnel with the necessary skills to evaluate aerodrome obstacles from a practical perspective.
ICAO Language Proficiency Rater Training
An intensive workshop to train linguistic and operational specialists how to develop, administer, manage, and rate Oral Proficiency Interviews in the aviation industry.
ATS Assessor
Learn the skills and knowledge required to conduct assessments in the operational or simulated air traffic control environment.
Learn about the equipment and technology used by an ANSP, and understand the operation of aircraft and ATC in relation to that technology.
ICAO Licensed courses
Airways Training offers a full range of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) compliant courses. Our courses are presented via a combination of interactive training sessions, simulator exercises and blended learning activities. These are enhanced through the use of case studies, discussions and practical application. Our catalogue of ICAO courses includes:
051 ATS Licensing Subjects
A comprehensive introduction to ATS. This theoretical course forms the essential base knowledge for all other ATC courses. *
052 Aerodrome Control
Students learn to integrate and apply the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to operate in an aerodrome simulated environment.
053 Approach Control Procedural or 055 Area Control Procedural
Students are trained to manage traffic in accordance with operational rules and procedures in a simulated procedural approach or procedural area environment.
054 Area or Approach Control Surveillance
Surveillance students will demonstrate and apply the provision of an area or approach control surveillance service in a simulated surveillance environment.
* This course is available online/virtually via AKO, or face-to-face. All other ICAO courses are available face-to-face only, at our campuses or at your premises.
Study in NZ programme
Study in your own country​

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