25 years of competency based training
This year Airways Training is celebrating 25 years of delivering competency based air traffic services training to ANSPs globally.
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This year Airways Training is celebrating 25 years of delivering competency based air traffic services training to ANSPs globally.
Sharon Cooke, CEO of Airways International says their cloud-based suite of products provides customers with flexible high-quality digital solutions. – regardless of their locatio
In December 2020 we launched the Airways Knowledge Online (AKO) Virtual Academy to enable aviation students across the globe to engage and learn remotely in a virtual classroom environment.
Students from the General Civil Aviation Authority in the UAE have completed the first remote delivery of 051 ATS Licensing Subjects training through the AKO virtual training academy.
We launched the AKO (Airways Knowledge Online) virtual academy to enable aviation students across the globe to learn with us remotely.
Previously confined to classroom teaching and learning on the job, air traffic control training is becoming more accessible and flexible thanks to new technology and work habits
A virtual Airways Knowledge Online (AKO) ICAO 051 ATS Licensing Subjects course is in full swing for a group of 14 students from the Pacific and Middle East, as they embrace online training.
Airways International Ltd has today launched Airways Knowledge Online (AKO) – a world-class virtual training academy for the aviation sector.