Prepare your people for the operational environment with highly realistic, easy to use, advanced simulation. TotalControl is a flexible, proven and reliable air traffic control simulator for all your training needs. close Learn more As air traffic services training experts, Airways achieves some of the highest success rates in the industry. With highly skilled and experienced instructors, leading-edge training and simulation technologies, fully equipped campuses and facilities, and internationally recognised programmes, Airways Training will make a real difference to your business. close Learn more Airways International Our range of AirBooks interactive learning resources allow students to work and learn at their own pace while engaging with digital, dynamic content.

There are more than 40 AirBooks available in the AKO AirBooks library.
close Learn more Airways Knowledge Online (AKO) is a world-class virtual online training academy for the aviation sector. Students can access a range of aviation courses as a cohort in a virtual classroom, or on their own at a time and pace that suits them. Interactive dynamic content keeps learners engaged, via an intuitive e-learning platform accessible 24/7. close Learn more Selecting the right person from the start also saves you time and money, by reducing costly training failure and training times. SureSelect is a validated, objective and automated solution that helps you to improve efficiency, speed up selection results, make impartial decisions, and test ATC-specific competencies. close Learn more AirShare is a UA traffic management (UTM) system to help air navigation service providers and regulators safely and efficiently integrate UAs into their airspace and aviation system. AirShare provides real-time display and management of UA activity, integration with UA detection systems in and around aerodrome control zones, and a one-stop shop for drone pilots to plan flights, gain approvals, and operate safely. close Learn more Aeropath is Airways New Zealand’s specialist provider of Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) and flight procedure design services. Our work includes Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedures development and maintenance, PANS-OPS training, digital aeronautical data management and charting, and development of cloud hosted solutions to support the AIS to AIM transition. close Learn more Flight Advisor is an interactive web-based mapping tool that improves situational awareness and enhances safety for pilots operating at low levels in uncontrolled airspace. Utilising Aeropath’s data integration and visualisation capabilities, Flight Advisor is a game-changer in the aviation industry, improving safety in the skies. close Learn more Welcome to
Connect with us in Geneva Sharon Cooke
Mark Hoskins
Head of Commercial
Trent Clarke
Head of Aeropath
Airways NZ
at Airspace World 2023
John McKenzie
Digital Solutions Sales Director
Greg Perris
Manager, Procedure Design Aeropath
Matt Day
Manager, Aeronautical Information Management Aeropath
Jonny Cooke
TotalControl Product Manager
George Ridd
AirShare Product Manager
Yuri van den Bongard
Technical Sales Director
Airways NZ at Airspace World 2023 Airspace World in Geneva, the most important event in the global ATM industry calendar takes place on 8-10 March, and Airways is delighted to be attending.

We look forward to reconnecting with our customers, partners and industry colleagues at this important event - come and visit us on Airways’ stand F14, and learn about the latest Airways International developments and industry insights.

We expect our TotalControl simulator with real-world graphics based on our unique TrueView technology to draw many visitors to our stand, as we demonstrate how remote sim piloting works with TotalControl.

We'll be showcasing our range of products & services, including:

Product spotlight: Flight Advisor online mapping tool

This year we are proud to present a new digital product, FlightAdvisor. This interactive web-based mapping tool improves situational awareness and enhances safety for pilots operating at low levels in uncontrolled airspace.

Developed by Aeropath in conjunction with the Royal New Zealand Air Force, Flight Advisor has been shortlisted for both the CANSO Global Safety Achievement Awards, and the ATM Awards in the Innovation category – we’re very proud of our Aeropath team, and to be amongst many very worthy and deserving organisations on the shortlists!

Flight Advisor presentation: Matt Day
Frequentis Theatre, Weds 8 March, 12.30pm

Head along to the Frequentis Theatre to hear Matt Day, Aeropath’s Manager Aeronautical Information Management share his insights into the development and use of Flight Advisor, and how the tool is enhancing safety for New Zealand military and civilian airspace users.

Come and see us on stand F14, we’ll be delighted to welcome you!

Airways International attendees

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Made by controllers, for controllers, TotalControl is the most reputable simulator on the global market developed by an air navigation service provider. The immersive learning environment of TotalControl will help to maximise your training outcomes for ab initio air traffic control trainees and operational controllers.

Featuring our leading-edge TrueView graphics technology - a hybrid rendering of high resolution imagery from the control tower and underlying terrain data - TotalControl provides a simulation experience almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

Cloud based simulation

Break down barriers with cloud-based simulation and real-time system monitoring. Train anywhere, any time with remote piloting and TotalControl Sim-in-a-suitcase.

Your entire FIR simulated

Don’t be limited to a small area around your aerodrome. Full country/FIR simulation provides the best experience for multi-position and multi-aerodrome training (e.g. remote towers).

Flexible graphics options

Build your own 3D rendered environment with Airport Builder or upgrade your tower experience with TrueView.

Powerful 3D applications

Build worlds and create rich exercises faster with a suite of 3D tools that
are accurate and easy to use. Train new sim pilots in just one week.

Training ready environment
and exercises

Ready-to-use generic training environment and exercises developed by practicing ATC instructors included.
World-class ATC simulation Advanced simulation made easy OFFER Sim in a Suitcase TotalControl Learn more
Working smarter together Airways Training We have been training our own air traffic controllers at Airways since 1950, and have worked with other international ANSPs for over 30 years in the delivery of training and consultancy services.

Airways Training understands the importance of providing quality training that focuses on the needs of air traffic services, our students and partners. With customers in the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific, Europe and North America, Airways Training provides the highest quality of training services, courseware, instructors and student support.
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Airways Knowledge Online (AKO) is a world-class virtual online training academy for the aviation sector. Students can access a range of aviation courses as a cohort in a virtual classroom, or on their own at a time and pace that suits them. Interactive dynamic content keeps learners engaged, via an intuitive e-learning platform accessible 24/7.

Utilising the latest online learning technologies and methods, AKO caters for both instructor-led and self-directed, self-paced learning through a range of delivery options — AKO Classroom, AKO Flexi, AKO AirBooks and AKO Gateway.
Airways Knowledge Online Virtual training academy for aviation sector AKO Virtual Academy email
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Increase the reach and availability of your training — speed up training rollouts and completion timeframes.


Break free from static text and images. Engage with interactive content, 3D animations and games, as well as assessments and quizzes that provide rapid feedback on progress.
Our range of AirBooks interactive learning resources allow students to work and earn at their own pace while engaging with digital, dynamic content.

Supporting self-study, blended and classroom based training, AirBooks increases training flexibility and cost-effectiveness, and reduces disruptions to the roster. And with interactive content, 3D animations and games, AirBooks is an engaging learning solution.
AirBooks Library for interactive digital learning


From a smartphone to a PC screen, AirBooks responsive design will look great on any device. Download your content for offline use and take it with you wherever you go.


Subscribe to the AirBooks Library to access ready-to-use cloud-based resources.


Choose the right mode for your learning. AirBooks supports self-study, blended, and classroom based training.

AirBooks catelogue

Choose the right mode for your learning. AirBooks supports self-study, blended, and classroom based training.
Interactive digital learning AirBooks Library Learn more insert_drive_file
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ATC selection Select the right people to be ATCs In the busy, challenging environment that is air traffic control (ATC), it’s important to have the right people. Choosing quality candidates that possess the core competencies predictive of ATC success is a key enabler for world-class ATC services, continued safety, and air traffic management growth.

Selecting the right person from the start also saves you time and money, by reducing costly training failure and training times.

SureSelect is a validated, objective and automated solution that helps you to improve efficiency, speed up selection results, make impartial decisions, and test ATC-specific competencies.

SureSelect offers a range of test suites, accessed via an easy-to-use online platform where you can deploy tests and view results. Our flexible approach allows you to tailor selection to your goals and budget.
Automate the process

Improve efficiency
Achieve impartial
and fair selection

Validated tools
Great candidate
Gamified tests
Undertake role-specific assessments

Test ATC-specific skills & attributes

Unsupervised & supervised testing
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SureSelect Mix & match

Choose all or some of the test suites
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The only UTM solution that’s been built alongside an ANSP Uncrewed Traffic Management (UTM) Solutions Airways New Zealand has developed AirShare, a UAV traffic management (UTM) system to help air navigation service providers and regulators safely and
efficiently integrate UAVs into their airspace and aviation system.

AirShare provides real-time display and management of UAV activity, integration
with UAV detection systems in and around aerodrome control zones, and a one-stop shop for drone pilots to plan flights, gain approvals, and operate safely.
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8 years

operating in live airspace

flights logged

situation awareness
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Aeronautical information & Flight procedure design Aeronautical information & Flight procedure design Aeropath is Airways New Zealand’s specialist provider of Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) and flight procedure design services.

Our clients are based all over the world and span the full range of aviation operations, including commercial airlines, air traffic control, airports, helicopters, general aviation, UAV operators and state regulators.

Our work includes Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedures development and maintenance, PANS-OPS training, digital aeronautical data management and charting, and development of cloud hosted solutions to support the AIS to AIM transition.

We help our aviation clients to achieve success through our experience, team expertise and breadth of products and services.
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Performance Based Navigation ICAO PANS-OPS training AIS to AIM transition Data integration and visualisation Learn more
A dynamic digital map to enhance safety for pilots flying at low level in outside of controlled airspace. Enhancing safety outside controlled airspace The Aeropath AIM team has collaborated with the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) to develop Flight Advisor – a dynamic digital map to enhance safety for pilots flying at low level in outside of controlled airspace.

Used by RNZAF pilots as well as civilian operators across New Zealand, Flight Advisor identifies obstacles and potential hazards at low level (under 1,000 ft) which could pose risks to pilots.

Pilots flying at low level (below 1000’ AGL) outside controlled airspace operate in a complex environment. Helicopter logging operations with suspended cables, airborne crop spraying for agriculture, commercial and recreational RPAS operations, military training flights, and uncharted obstacles including towers, wind turbines, and wires strung across valleys, all mix in a potentially hazardous, high risk aviation environment that lies beyond the boundaries of air traffic control.

Flight Advisor helps to keep pilots safe in this uncontrolled airspace by enhancing situational awareness. Users can log a flight advisory outlining their planned area of operations on a dynamic map, so any pilots operating in the vicinity are aware of all airspace activity in the area. Users can also easily report any uncharted hazards or obstacles, such as wires, towers or antenna by dropping a geolocation pin on the map.
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