AirBook – Abnormal Situation Handling
This “Abnormal Situation Handling” AirBook covers examples of abnormal situations an ATC may encounter and how they should be handled. This includes a variety of
Home Training catalogue Emergencies
This “Abnormal Situation Handling” AirBook covers examples of abnormal situations an ATC may encounter and how they should be handled. This includes a variety of
This “Compromised Separation Theory” AirBook examines how aircraft may end up in a compromised separation situation and how a controller can resolve these situations. This
This “Contingency Response Planning” AirBook outlines what is involved when creating a contingency plan for an ANSP. This includes the best practices for planning processes
This AirBook covers emergencies that air traffic services may encounter and how to appropriately handle them in order to have minimal disruption to other services. These plans are outlined
This AirBook covers the basics of various emergencies such as alerting services and how they should be used, emergency communications (facilities, peopleandhardware), as well as